Monday, August 24, 2015

Serious topic this morning. Your health.

 I know, I know, no one likes to talk about their health! It's boring, most of us already know we could be doing so much better where our diet is concerned. But it's a topic that needs to be talked about, it needs to be shouted from rooftops and made a daily conversation at the dinner table or when sharing your day with your significant other or bestie!

One health topic that is a huge one for us is Diabetes. The mere mention of the word sends my mind reeling. The diet, the sugar testing, the medications, all the complications that can arise. It's a very scary disease. And anyone who has this in their family needs to be concerned not only for the family members who suffer from it, but also for themselves. 

It's an ugly word for sure. My husband was diagnosed with Diabetes 2 years ago, and in my opinion probably should have been diagnosed a long time before that.

I have to watch my diet very well now also. Both of my parents and my brother have been diagnosed with Diabetes. I have always been hypoglycemic so I am at more than a good risk to be diagnosed with this condition.

I check my sugar 4 times a day, watch my carb and calorie intake, I've never eaten so well in my life! I try, TRY being the key word here, to get some kind of exercise daily (as if chasing a toddler around wasn't enough!) I take my medications like I'm supposed to but let's face it, this is so time consuming.

I've found a few websites that help me tremendously with all these tasks. My favorite one by far is Go Meals. This lets you track sugar, carbs, calories and activities for the day. Then you can print out weekly reports that you can take to your doctor. By far one of the best resources available.

I know a lot of people think Diabetes is a death sentence. It's not and can be controlled. And honestly, if you cook right, you don't miss a thing! Yes you can still have that ice cream or piece of birthday cake, just use moderation! When my husband was first diagnosed, I thought wow, how do I cook meals for him now. So I went searching on the internet for the best resources for recipes, funny thing is, it's not necessarily what you cook, but how you cook it and how much you portion it! I found some wonderful cookbooks on that I highly recommend!

I am absolutely in love with this one! A full year of recipes without ever repeating a meal!

Healthy Calendar Diabetic Cook Book. 

Another really great one is

You Don't Have to be Diabetic to Love This Cookbook: 250 Amazing Dishes for People With Diabetes and Their Families and Friends

I have so many little booklets also that I can track my sugar on. All boring and ugly lol I have to make sure I add checking my sugar on my daily planning sheet or yep, you guessed it, I just space it and don't do it. So I made myself a pretty little printable to go along with my daily planner that gives me all the info I need and then I can plug my numbers into the website of my choice or take directly to my next dr.s appointment with me. You can download it here in my health printables folder.  I'll be working on my health binder printables soon also!

I hope you take your health as serious as I now take mine, we have to take care of ourselves before we can take care of our loved one. Each one of us has someone who depends on us, don't let them down!

Until next post, Have a very blessed day,


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