Wednesday, August 12, 2015

College life

We are sending our youngest son off to college! He will be going to a local community college, but still, college none the less. I too am in college classes. With all the websites, classes, instructors and homework, it's very easy to become disorganized really quick!

I have to admit, I'm OCD when it comes to keeping class information organized. I'm one to pour through the syllabus and write down assignment dates and what we are going over in my calendar so I don't forget anything. I tend to never look at the syllabus again actually once I have everything in my calendar.

But why keep the information in so many different places? If I had a place where I could keep all information about school together, wouldn't that just make more sense? Of course it would, but you know, I have to go through trial and error first before I finally get it all together. Then my mind quickly ran to binders! My mind said to me, "you have a binder for everything else, why don't you have one for your classes?" "Hmmmm, how right you are right self!"

So I sat down and thought about what I needed for my college binder. I know what information I want to keep close at hand and decided I would only put that information in my minder, no need to add things, it will just clutter it up. This binder set is simple, yet very functional. I made one for my son and one for myself, and will be adding more colors also as I like to change things up a bit :)

This is specifically directed at college students, I know here, our school system gives each student a planner/calendar and it's a wonderful bound book. No need to re-invent the wheel ya know?

In my binder package I have a cover page of course, every binder has to have a pretty or nice looking cover right?

Then I made printables for semester info, student info, class info and a perpetual calendar. I have 2 colors as of right now, khaki and tiffany blue. Working on getting others completed and will post links to those as soon as I get them up!  I love the look and feel of these printables, and can't wait to use them during this semester. Who knows what I will come up as the semester goes along that can be added.

Do you have an idea for a printable that should be in this package? Let me know, I'd love to add anything that will be useful!

You can download the khaki binder here. 
And the tiffany blue binder here.

I'll be making more printables soon to share, remember, if you have any to add, leave me a comment. Want something you don't see here? Leave me a comment! 

I hope you enjoy these and get a ton of use from them!

Until next post, Have a very blessed day,


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