Monday, September 21, 2015

Holiday House Plan

So I'm a little behind in my holiday house plan, yep that's the story of my life! Classes started again, and with class time, homework, football practices and games, and all of the other life happenings, I have fallen behind a week. UGH

This week is time to hustle and make up for it. Where are you on your holiday house plan? Are you caught up? Do you feel behind? I'm not going to stress, I'll just get it all done and be caught back up and ready to go :)

Until next post, Have a very blessed day,


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Disney Binder printables

Anyone who knows me knows I am a Disney fanatic! Yes I love anything Mickey, Minnie, or in any way shape for form Disney related. That's one reason I became a travel agent, to help others discover the love of Disney!

I got bored this week. Really bored. So I decided to play around with printables again. Imagine that huh? I've made a whole set of Disney home management printables! Now these I'm really going to use lol I've decided I'll be working on all printables in a Disney theme as well!

I hope you enjoy these and if you have a favorite character or color you would like to see them in, drop me a line! I love creating so there is so much more to come!!

Pick up all the Disney printables here!


Until next post, Have a very blessed day,


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Desk organization done!

So if you'll remember, last week started the Holiday Grand Plan kick off. The first item to tackle was Holiday Central. I am proud to say that I have marked that task off my list. Holiday Central is my desk. This is where I do everything of course, work, play, blog, create. So it just made sense to leave my work area the place where all things happen.

Now with that said, I have come to one conclusion. I am a paper hoarder. Ugh. I found things from last school year sitting in my pile of nonsense. Seriously, why? While working on my desk, I knew I would need to organize a few other things as well. That pile of clothes for one thing. My jewelry. Wow, this was not a one day easy task. It took some planning and some out of the box thinking to get everything where I really wanted it.

This is my dresser/bedside area. I took a bag organizer to organize my books that I'm reading right now. It works perfectly and I also have a space for my iPad. I decided to take all of my jewelry and hang it. I don't have a jewelry box and I'm not sure they even make one that would hold all of this. I discovered a new jewelry company, Paparazzi. Lord have mercy help me! What is this evil??? LOL $5 for great jewelry pieces? It has become a favorite of mine! Want to check it out for yourself? You can visit my papa reps site, the jewelry is fantastic and fun. I love the big chunky metal pieces the best! Papa by Erin is the place to go for the latest fall styles! I think I'm going to need more hooks after I get finished with the new product! :) I just took several hooks and placed one set on each one. Everything I have is easily accessible, well organized and it looks kind of nice to see what I have available instead of having to dig into a box or cabinet for it.

I decided to hang my bag I use for school in a place where it is easily accessible from my desk or my bed. This way I can grab the book I need and lay back and relax while studying :) The jar on the shelf is my own version of my Disney Fund keeper. All of my extra change goes in this jar as a way to save our next Disney trip!

And here is the desk area. Simple, clean and very functional. This works for me and I have found that I am much more productive now that I have cleared the clutter and have space to actually work!

Did you check out the Holiday Grand Plan? Are you joining me on this journey? Show me your Holiday Central! I would love to see your organization!

This week is all about the Living room and questions for the Holiday Grand Plan. One area that really needs my attention. I'll be working in this room all week and as it is not too bad, I guess I'll do before/after pix ;)

Holiday and House plan is all about the Calendar and Creativity. This is a great one for me as one of the items to check off is to assess our craft materials. This year will be no different as we are going to make homemade ornaments and decorations for others. Braedan is really excited to get started on this so I'll be making a quick inventory of what we have and decide what we will need for our projects!

Let me know how you are doing with your organization and if you are following along with any of these plans!

Until next post, Have a very blessed day,
