Monday, August 31, 2015

Organized for the Holidays?

Have you looked at the date? 8/31/15. Do you know how few weeks are left before the holidays are upon us?

I used to stress a LOT when thinking of this. There is always so much to do. I normally host both Thanksgiving and Christmas for my family. And since we have moved away from all of our extended family, yep, the task is on me every holiday now.

Shopping, budgets, meals, gifts, decorations...ahhhhhh stop the madness! It can be very overwhelming to say the least. Most people just go along their way, while hating the holidays more and more and they can't wait until it's all over. That's not how I want my holidays to be! I love Thanksgiving and Christmas the most. And since becoming a grandmother, Christmas has taken on a whole new meaning. I want to relish each and every moment slowly.

And now that we have the boys living with us, I want to relish those moments even more. I want to plan fun activities and adventures for the boys. I want them to be able to look back and say I always loved Christmas with my Mammaw!

There are so many traditions to pass on.

One of my favorite traditions is what I like to call our Christmas Baking Palooza! It's happened every year with Braedan and now Cameron gets to join in the fun. Every year I get a list of all of the yummy treats I want to make for the season. Cookies, cakes, fudge all kinds of yummy bits! Then we choose one day and we make everything! We make several batches also so we can give these yummy goodies to friends and family. It's gone over quite well with the adult children in my life, and Braedan is having a great time handing out treats to his other grandparents as well!

I'll be starting my organizing/cleaning/list making for Christmas this week. Yes I know it's only August. Do you remember me telling you I'm a list person? Well along with that goes I'm a planning person. I don't want to wait until the last minute to plan anything. Yes I love spontaneity, but when it comes to something as huge as the holidays, I want most things planned on paper where I can see what I have going on, when it's going on, what's my cost for what's going on. I want all the little details. The little details can make or break an event or gathering.

Of course you know what's coming next don't you? Binders!!!! You know me so well :) I have found a couple of programs online that I have been following for a few years now. They give me the ability to have a stress free holiday and love every minute of the time I get to spend. They are both put out by Organized Christmas. You just need to decide which plan you really want to do and go for it. Both plans began yesterday 8/30/15, see I'm not the only one thinking ahead!!

The first one, The Holiday Grand Plan can be found here. It's really in depth and takes cleaning and organizing to a crazy level :) This is the one that I have done for years. But this year, I found something that I think will work even better from the folks at Organized Christmas.

The House and Holidays Plan. Same type of info and tasks, but seriously, why clean the attic for Christmas when no one is going to be in the attic? Or the garage or this or that. This plan is a simpler version of the Holiday Grand Plan, with all of the same great information.

I will be working on my Christmas Central location, also known as my desk in my bedroom office. Yes it needs a ton of help. Way too much is disorganized there, I have no idea what half of those papers are and more than likely, they can be shredded and thrown out! Since I use this space every day for my jobs, it can get quite messy quite quickly. This is my mail center, my I'll look at this later center, my homework center for me, my everything really. And it's stressful when there is no organization. I know I put a piece of mail somewhere on this desk and now cannot find it, well it's probably under that 2 ton stash of mail/magazines/etc that you call your look at later pile. Seriously, this has to go! Of course, since this area is in my bedroom, this means that while getting this organized, I'll have to get other areas organized at the same time so it all flows really well.

Both plans have a ton of printables for you and I promise, you will find that following either one, will make your holidays more enjoyable and you will see a huge difference in your joy level! Come join me in this fun adventure and let me know where you are at and how you are doing in it!

I'll be sure to post some pictures of the outcome, there is no way I'm posting pictures of the before ;) Add your pictures as well, let's support each other in our goal of an organized, blessed, wonderful, joyful holiday season!

Until next post, Have a very blessed day,


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